手机细览 【Bilingual】省检察院举办“检爱同行 共护花开”检察开放日活动_中国体育竞彩网
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【Bilingual】省检察院举办“检爱同行 共护花开”检察开放日活动
时间:2023-06-05  作者:  新闻来源:阳光检务网  【字号: | |

▌The People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province held an open day

省检察院举办“检爱同行 共护花开”检察开放日活动

▌The People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province held an open day on June 1st, as the day marks the second anniversary of implementing the amended Law on Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. On the open day, representatives of teachers and students and other invited guests visited the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center, the Caseflow Management Center as well as the History Museum in the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province. Moreover, they took a class on the rule of law and watched a microfilm on juvenile-related procuratorial work. Lastly, teachers and students received the books related to the protection of minors as presents.


▌Mr. Feng Jian, Chief Prosecutor of the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, attended the open day and introduced Guangdong’s juvenile-related procuratorial work. Feng noted that the work on protection of minors, which concerns the happiness of hundreds of millions of families, must maintain close ties with the hearts of the people. He called on people from all walks of life to work together with procuratorial organs and create strong synergy of “six-dimensions” from family, school, society, cyberspace, government, and judicial authorities, and therefore build a legal environment for healthy growth of minors.


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