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【Bilingual】弘扬工匠精神 坚守检察担当
时间:2022-07-08  作者:  新闻来源:阳光检务网  【字号: | |



  Promoting the spirit of craftsmanship and taking responsibility of procuratorial work

  弘扬工匠精神 坚守检察担当 

  This year is a year of boosting the quality of procuratorial work. The People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province sets up a column called “Guangdong Procuratorial Model List” which covers the topic of “Outstanding Procuratorial Craftsmen” , and publicizes 9 excellent representatives of role models who come from different regions and are assigned different posts in Guangdong’s procuratorial authorities. They stick to their loyalty and dedication to the work, strive for improvement in their professions, and exercise their responsibility with the spirit of craftsmanship. They show great assiduity in work and stand hardship without complaint, integrating the pursuit of excellence into their daily work. They remain true to their original aspirations, break new ground, and fulfill their duties in accordance with the law so as to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work. They are the excellent representatives of prosecutors in Guangdong province in the new era. Let’s follow the example of these role models and the spirit in them - overcoming difficulties, bearing responsibility and improving their professional competence and abilities. Let the spirit illuminate the way for us and inspire us to forge ahead.


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